

A word most frequently used in our daily vocabulary. Understandably so. We want to know why something is happening, why someone is doing this or that, why we feel like how we are feeling at that point in time but for me this question is most often directed at God. 

I don't enjoy questioning our Heavenly Father by any means but it's something I ask because I am usually very confused as to why people are doing certain things in this world or why tragic things happen to amazing people. I don't know who else to ask. Who else should I turn to... It only makes sense to turn to the God of the universe. The Man with all the answers. Now just because He has all the answers, that doesn't mean He will always answer my daily load of questions which more often then not is the case. Which is never easy but is a huge way He teaches us to let go of trying to be in control. 

In this testing time in our country with elections, racism, natural disasters, and hateful people the question "Why" comes up more often, in fact I haven't asked Him so many "why's" since my precious baby brother passed away...

But really, what makes me think I am worthy of the answers to all my questions? What makes me think that knowing the answers will change my thoughts or calm all of my hurt and confusion? More than likely, it won't. Here's another "why" question, why do I need to know why things happen or why people act a certain way or why bad things continue to happen in our world? I don't. I, we don't need to know the answers. We just need to pray for those things. Not asking God, but turning to Him and praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ, our country, and our world. 

There is no real reason to ask why, although it's so hard to not ask that question and even harder to not get the answers, let alone the answers we want to hear. We have to trust that God knows exactly what He is doing. Things may not make sense now but IF it's His will, He will reveal it to us. 

Trusting God isn't always easy but once we can 'Let Go and Let God' we will feel like the weight is lifted off our shoulders. We will be at peace with ourselves and we won't wrestle with so many "Why's?" 

Trust God and the rest will fall into place.


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