Sharene's Baby Shower

On May 28th we got to celebrate Sharene and Jeff's soon to be bundle of joy at their baby shower! It was such a fun day spent with our family. I am so excited and I can't wait to meet little Harley in September! She is already so loved by me and so many others. I can't wait to have a little niece to spoil, love and watch grow up! Here are some photos from the day! 

The adorable gift table! 
Can't go wrong with Krispy Kreme! 

Snack mix, so cute!

The center pieces

Gotta love baby shower games! 

The adorable cake and it was equally delicious!

Gift time!

A beautiful quilt for baby Harley!

Tia made the cutest name sign! I love it!

With the mother to be!

Grant cracks me up, he always changes the name in my
phone to something super long and crazy.

Cute little cookies in a jar as favors made by mama herself!


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